Vetrocar success story

How to efficiently digitize the business processes

Thanks to vtenext and its Business Process Management and Notation (BPMN) engine it was possible to convey all company data in one platform, allowing the automation of sales processes and the management of accidents, leads, tickets, purchases and human resources.



Vetrocar was founded in 1999 and is a leader company in the repair and replacement of vehicle glasses: private, public and industrial.



In the past years Vetrocar was completely reorganized and faced an exponential growth that allowed the it to become the first Italian player in the field. Therefore, the company needed a flexible and reliable solution capable of supporting this rapid growth.


ABOUT vtenext

«vtenext is a flexible solution that is way more than just a CRM and that let us implement different processes. Furthermore the possibility to create and automate our business processes allowed us to reduce stress and let the people focus on their jobs. All this because processes provide security.»

The Project

Up to now the processes of 4 departments have been digitized:

1) Sales Area: Vetrocar serves both B2B and B2C customers, in particular insurance agencies, private customers, company fleets and car rentals. For each customer a customized workflow has been designed and implemented, taking in consideration all the specific features and needs
2) Internal IT tickets: all internal IT assistance requests are managed via tickets and automatically assigned to the group of persons in charge
3) Purchases: through a multi level authorization system it is possible to speed up the requests process and to directly upload the shipping document in the CRM and the ERP
4) Human Resources: each given benefit is tracked in the software: pc, tablet, smartphone and so on


  • Decrease in time waste
  • Better access to information which are no longer disseminated, duplicated or redundant. In fact they can all be found in one platform
  • Easy data analysis: since all the information are grouped is easier to extract insight from the data
  • High ticket traceability
  • Delate of discrepancies between purchases orders and approvals